One of the first fountains that I saw coming into Rome, on the way to my apartment in Trastevere, is named the Piazza Belli. It was actually one of the first pictures that I took when touring the city. I had no idea that there was a write up about it in my eyewitness guide until today. "The Piazza Belli is named after Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli who wrote satirical sonnets in Roman dialect rather than academic Italian. At the center of the Piazza stands a statue of

the poet (1913)." (Eyewitness Travel) Although I thought the statue of the poet was really cool, the neatest part of the monument that I noticed was the demon looking faces that spit water at the base of the statue. Every day on my way to class I pass by this monument and today after being in Rome for two weeks was the first day I actually stopped and looked at the details of this statue. The one thing that I've noticed about many statues in Rome, is that quite often they have flowers or wreaths placed on them. This statue seems to always have flowers draped over it. As you can see in the picture, today Belli's monument had a wreath on the upper part of the statue. I think its really awesome how romans decorate the statues around their city. After grabbing a drink from the statue, I realized that this is just another example of what the ancient aqueducts supply water too.
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