Wherever I am in the world I have always taken notice of the moon. My surroundings may be very different and I could be half way around the world, but one thing that always remains constant is the moon. No matter where you are it looks the same, although it may be located in different parts of the sky or the horizon, it still glows its same ominous shine. hen I was visiting the colosseum I did the stereotypical raise your hand over your head, close one eye and cover the moon with your thumb. For some reason doing this standing next

to the Colosseum was a very cool moment for me. Notice the moon shining through the upper part of the Colosseum, the way the clouds were scurrying past the moon is made the area I was standing in dim, then get bright again. It was so awesome peering up at the moon through the openings in the outer ring of the Colosseum. Words can't describe what this was like for me. I wish you all could have been there! I guess the point of this post is to acknowledge that no matter where I'm at in the world i've always got our moon.
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