One of my favorite nights so far, was when a large group of us went to Campe Di Fiori and had dinner. It took everyone a couple days to get settled in, but finally we were all ready to take on the city at night and find some delicious Italian cuisine. All together there was over 15 of us so it was definitely going to be a challenge to find a place where we could all sit down together. We realized that our best bet would probably be to hit a Piazza so th

e Campe Di Fiori was where we set off to. Unaware that we were heading into a tourist hotspot, we ended up waiting an extremely long time for food that was to say the least sub par. I thought it was reasonably priced actually, considering we all drank wine. It costed me about 12 Euro, which isn't too bad considering we had such a large group. Although the food was sub par and the wait was long,

I was glad to finally get the whole group together. It was fun getting to know each other outside of the school setting, and I have to say that it really laid the ground for some great new friendshi

ps. I have always found that first impressions when meeting new people never really hold true for me. Some of the people that I met right off the bat I didn't think that I would get along with, a week later they have become my best friends on this trip. I couldn't be happier with my decision to come to Rome. I've been told that the friendships one makes while studying abroad last a lifetime because you become friends in a setting that is new and exciting. When you meet people under these circumstances you are all experiencing something together, that in turn ends up changing your life. I cannot believe that I have been in Rome for over a week now, although I feel like I've done so much the time is flying. In a flash i'll b

e back in the states wondering where all my time in Europe went. I'll be sure to toss more coins into The Trevi Fountain, because this experience is something that I don't want to see end! The first week has been so amazing, I can only imagine what I am about to discover in the 6 weeks!
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