The Roman Colosseum is the oldest known "stadium" in the world. It is thought to be over 2000 years old. I find in remarkable that the remnants of this facility remain in modern day Rome, and that gridlock traffic whizzes around it 24 hours a day. For my entire life I have always had an infatuation with the Colosseum because of its rich history. When I was asked to choose a specific place in Rome to blog about it was a "no-brainer" for me to choose the Colosseum. I wasn't even in Rome for 24 hours before visiting this ancient battle ground. I think one of the reasons why the Colosseum is so special to me is because I have always been a huge fan of Penn State football, and the trek to the stadium on football Saturdays is something very exciting to me. When thinking that 2000 years ago 55,000+ people made a similiar trek to the Colosseum it blows my mind. I go watch Penn State football players tackle and hit their opponents. Ancient Romans watched gladiators dodge tigers and lions, while trying to spear their opponent. Death played as the agony of defeat, not points on a scoreboard. My how the human race has evolved. . .
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