One of the main characteristics of the city of Rome, are the extremely narrow streets. I have found in the first week that it is very easy to get lost while walking down the back alleys of each neighborhood. Normally getting lost would be a pain, but in Rome getting lost is one of my favorite things to do. You never know what is going to be around the next corner, and although much of the city looks the same, each neighborhood and piazza has its own distinctive character. When I say getting lost is a fun thi

ng to you do, you might think I'm crazy, but actually getting lost isn't the correct term to use. There have been many times when I've been out in the city and I wouldn't say that I was lost, I just had no idea where I was. Every time that I have wondered without a distinct destination, it's always easy to find yourself right back where you started again. The streets of Rome aren't straight, they wind and curl. I think its absolutely beautiful how the city is set up because the buildings wind and curl along with the streets. I am starting to feel at hom

e in Rome, and i've gotten accustomed to my daily routine of walking to class. Just today I actually stopped in mid stride, and just looked at my surroundings. I've only been here a week and I already caught myself taking the city for granted and ignoring its historic architectural beauty. It dawned on me, my god, this is Rome and just look how beautiful it is. If I taught myself anything today, it's be more aware of what is around you, because when in Rome, you just never know what might be located around the next corner.
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