As I wrap up my last week in Rome, I want to reflect on my experiences while viewing the Colosseum. One of my major reasons for studying abroad in Rome, was because I have always been fascinated by the ancient wonder. Ever since learnign about it in grade school I've always been in awe of the Colosseum. While I have been living in Rome, I've visited the structure many times, and everytime I see the Colosseum, it still fascinates me. To think this was built over 2000 years ago, with none of the technology we have to day absolutely boggles my mind. I've observed many little things at the site that I didn't know about before coming here. For instance, above every arched entrance, there are Roman numerals that say what section your walking under. I wasn't sure how the seating was assigned before I came here, and so far this is the best evidence that I've found that proves people were assigned to different sections. I was aware that people were located according to class, and that they had to sit in specific areas. Before coming to the site however, I wasn't sure if each section was divided into smaller sub sections. The Roman numerals above the entrances prove that there were in fact smaller sub sections. This is just one example of the many interesting things I've taken in at the Colosseum site. The stadium was so far ahead of it's time that it bewilders me. I'd give anything to go back in time, and take in the atmosphere surrounding a sold out battle. When I walk around the present day area where the colosseum sits, I can imagine some of what took place, but I'll never really know for sure what it was like. When I board the plane to go home on Friday, the first thing I'll look for if we get close to the city, is my favorite structure in Rome. The coin tossed over my shoulder at the Trevi ensures another visit, and you can bet the Colosseum will be on my itinerary.
Image courtesy of (http://www.topmasala.com/images/wonders/colosseum.jpg)
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