After visiting Ostio Antico, I decided to travel out to the Mediterranean Sea and lay on the beach. It was a convenient trip because Ostio Antico is located half way down the metro line to the closest beach from Rome. I was unsure of what I was going to encounter, I didn’t know if the beach would be clean, dirty, crowded or vacant. We arrived at the beach a mere 20 minutes after boarding the metro, not knowing where to go we hopped on a bus immediately after we got off. It was the best thing we could have done because the bus took us a mile down the road to a beach that was less crowded. I was very impressed with the condition of the beach. We paid seven euros to enter the beach, and rent chairs. I thought it was a bit pricey at first but after I saw the facilities I had no reason to complain. The bathrooms were extremely clean, and there was a convenient beachside cafĂ© that served drinks, paninis, and pizza. The sand was darker than the sand back home, and the sun made it so hot that it was nearly unbearable to stand on. Luckily there were wooden plank pathways all through the sand that were much cooler on the bottoms of your feet. There weren’t any waves, but the water was relatively clean considering how close to Rome we were. I definitely plan to go back to the beach again before I leave, only next time I can’t forget sun block!
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