Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Boys Town Rome

Boy's Town is a small village on the outskirts of Rome that houses children that completely govern themselves. There are two structures in the city, Garden City is for the younger children, while the Industrial City is for older children. They have their own government, financial system, and judicial affairs. The system was entirely implemented by the boys themselves. The boys created their own currency called the Scudo. It can be used to buy little things in the bazaar, or it can be deposited in the citizens' bank. Boys town was founded by Monsignor J.P. Carroll-Abbing he was quoted in saying "I dreamed of a future Boys’ Town, a community where the innate rights and duties and the God-given mission of each child in society would be respected and fostered." ( This Friday I am going to visit Boy's Town for the first time. It will be very interesting to see the schools, dormitories, and markets located there. I'll later be posting pictures and a place of interest that I found intriguing at the site.

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